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11 January 2021

Dear All,

​The number of parishioners attending Mass since lockdown commenced on Tuesday 5 January has fallen dramatically at both weekday and weekend Masses, to between a third and a half of the pre-lockdown level, even before the Mass reservation system was due to come into effect (11 January) . Assuming this level is maintained we no longer require Mass reservations via the booking system. 

Nonetheless, parishioners who normally attended more than two Masses weekly pre-lockdown across our parish are still formally requested to limit attendance to a maximum of two Masses weekly for the duration of lockdown. 

This will reduce your personal risk as well as risk to others, and ensure that numbers attending each Mass remain reasonably low during lockdown, so that we can continue to enhance your safety by increased social distancing and reduced seating capacity.
Stewards will continue to ask you on arrival at church which two Masses you choose to attend, and record this for monitoring purposes. You do not need to stick rigidly to the days you select, or to inform us of this, so long as you do not attend more than two Masses in any one week. 

Parishioners are also requested not to attend Masses in other parishes because of the very real risk of transmitting COVID between different parishes, thereby forcing churches in both parishes to close for up to ten days at a time. This request will remain in place for the duration of the pandemic.

Should any parishioner develop symptoms suggestive of COVID or be diagnosed COVID-positive they are requested to follow the actions detailed in the updated COVID Action card for Parishioners (pdf print version click here) available via our website, particularly regarding the urgent need to notify the parish so that safety measures can be instituted rapidly.

With many thanks for your co-operation

God bless you, stay safe, stay well

David Vassallo
Parish COVID Co-ordinator 

Dear All,

There was a meeting today (5th January) regarding how we, as a parish, could improve the safety of all parishioners at Mass with regards to new measures to lessen the chance of transmission of the virus. As a result we agreed to introduce the following changes:

  • Masses will continue but to enable as many parishioners as possible to safely attend daily Mass we will be            implementing a ‘mass reservation’ system, which will begin from Monday 11th January.


  • We request that you attend a maximum of two Masses per week and use the reservation system to let us know which Mass you wish to attend. Please remember that there is no Sunday Obligation at present.


The preferred method is to email your choice weekly to .  Alternatively, you can send your weekly response by text only to 07391 606 938.

Please do not ask or phone Fr. Francis or Marjorie as they cannot take your booking.  Reservation requests will then be managed by David Vassallo who will contact you

  • With immediate effect there will be no Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at both Churches.  This will be reviewed Mid-February.


  • Hand sanitisation has been introduced as you come forward to receive the Blessed Sacrament. Please be guided by the Steward.


  • Seating arrangements have been reviewed and some adjustments have been made to ensure social distancing.

Please note that as a precaution the Parish Office will not be open to visitors or parishioners for the next few weeks.

Keep safe everyone, God bless.


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